Small Town Girl Dreams. The Feather Hadden Story
Never look back once you go
Once Feather left Iowa, she never looked back. The past is just a mirage. Something we believe it was but it's irrelevant. Move forward, there's more room for growth there.
Focus on the now
What is now is the most important time because the past is gone and the future isn't guaranteed. What you do now makes your tomorrow potential that much greater.
Life is going to throw you curve balls
The two of the biggest curves life has thrown at me were me almost losing my leg and, after keeping my leg, giving a girl brain damage during a professional fight in my kickboxing career. Both times, I wanted to give up. Both times, I refused to. This is just part of the process that is life. You have to take the good with the bad.
Take off your mask
Far too many of us wear masks. We're all beautiful and capable human beings and, for some reason, we'd rather wear that mask of someone else because he think that's why others want to see. Forget that. Take off your mask. Show the world how amazing and beautiful the real you is.
Listen to the universe
The universe is always talking to you and giving you signs. You can't ignore them. Feather went from a small town girl in Iowa, to a casino in Nevada, a rock climbing extremist, A bodybuilding competitor, and now a 23-1 champion MMA fighter for the LFC. Yes, it's good to have a plan but sometimes we're destined for something greater than our plans.
In her own words, I'll leave you with this
"Put yourself out there and don't be afraid to show the world who you are. Let go of the past and take off your mask". - Feather " The Hammer " Hadden