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Interview: Marco Laterza

When did your fitness journey begin? Tell us a little more about your involvement in the industry. 

At the age of 16, I badly hurt my meniscus during gymnastics. My physician predicted that I may never properly bend my knee or put weight on it again. I was devastated. After being out for almost a year and despite all warnings, I didn’t give up and got myself a physical therapist that started me on free weights training. My knee improved, and overall my body responded so well that a new fire was lit. At the time I already knew that if I could do it, I wanted to inspire others to become fit as well.

What has been your biggest success up until now?

Certainly my first cover in the Muscle & Fitness last year (2014). This was a childhood dream. I was always dreaming about it and visualizing it for many years. Different covers from Greg Plitt were hanging all over my room. He was/is my inspiration in this field.

What are you most afraid of?

Usually, I don’t consider fear as something that is inside of me. I think if you fear something you are inhibited in your actions, so what you need to do is face your fears if you have some. Get out of your comfort zone and face it. You will then eventually overcome them.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

Great question, maybe learn another language like Spanish. I love the Latin culture and would like to get to know more about it.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

Since I’m a car lover, I’d buy myself a really nice car and the house of my dreams. Of course I would also use it to travel and explore the world and also support various foundations that try to make this world a better place. I love animals and therefore I’d love to support WWF for example.

What songs are included on the soundtrack to your life?

Lots of variation. Such as the movie soundtrack from Rocky (Eye of the tiger), various songs from RnB Stars like Usher, Drake etc

Do you ever get any weird questions from family, friends or strangers about your bodybuilding lifestyle?

This is very common of course. People usually question what is not in the norm of a society. There are all sorts of question coming towards me, but I don’t worry about it and answer them.

What would be your superpower?

There are many. Do you know the movie with Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt: What women want? I think as a male you would love to have this super power, right?

If there is one thing I cannot stand is injustice in this world. So with my superpowers I’d love to fight injustice in this world.

How would you describe most bodybuilders you know in 5 words?

Tough question, I’d say: disciplined, focused, strong mental state, hard workers, dedicated.

What kind of impact do you want to make in the bodybuilding world / outside of the bodybuilding world?

I want to be a role model, an ambassador, not just physically, but also as a person with character. I want to inspire others that everything is possible if you follow your dreams with the right mind of visualization, dedication, passion and perseverance, day in and day out. Always small steps day by day. It’s not the huge leaps that make the difference. The difference lies in the small steps.